The European projects we deal with
The European projects we deal with
ASTER aims to improve the prevention and management of textile and plastic by providing pathways to harmonise policies and regulations across the apline region.
BIODIV’ALP is aimed towards the promotion, protection and enhancement related to the biodiversity of Alpine ecosystems.
CAMBIO VIA is aimed at imporving the effectiveness of actions implemented for the natural and cultural heritage of protected areas, parks and historical sites located along the transhumance route.
It’s the European International Mobility Programme aimed at creating business matches between young entrepreneurs and experienced ones within the EU.
CultiVETing has the purpose of bridging the gap between the growing needs of Agri-businesses and the training sector to favour the socio-economic developement in the Western Balkans.
EcoeFISHent regards the developement of innovative value chains based on circular economy principles to create a zero-waste cluster in the regional fishing sector. A circular economic model to be used as an example for the entirety of Europe.
FRI_START provides support for business start-ups with innovative ideas through a network of cross-border incubators.
FRI_START Evolution supports the internationalization and co-creation of businesses related to show, culture, visual and digital arts though a network of FRI_START incubators.
FRI_START2 supports the growth and internationalization of innovative SME’s, whilst in their scale-up phase through a network of cross-border incubators.
FRI.NET2 is a cross-border competence centre providing services to SMEs.
IPMED provides support for the developement of Intellectual Property by Mediterranean Companies.
K-CCRI promotes the adoption of circular economy models by creating a knowledge hub, coordinated with the CCRI initiative of the EU.
MetaDest is a project that aims to promote the technological trasition of both cultural and tourism industries through new digital domains, whilst ensuring environmental and social sustainability.
O.P.E.R.A aims to support self-entrepreneurship practices (start ups, spin off, worker buyout…).
PRIMED aims to realize a web of “living labs” for the developement of circular economy models in primary sectors.
REBORN provides support to “restarter” entrepreneurs within the EU.
SME4SMARTCITIES is a project encouraging collaboration efforts amongst innovative companies to co-create smart city effective solutions for Mediterranean cities.
Provides support for the digitalization of tourism businesses present in the cross-border area.